My 6 year old took this shot. Reading on a canoe trip with 2 little munchkins is difficult, but to get a few smiles out of Mindy Kaling....
My friend was keen to help get me some points, and we had some good laughs along the way....
My family had a 2 week road trip out east this summer, so I wasn't sure we'd have much time as a family to do a canoe trip, so I decided to take my 5 & 6 year old children out on my own. We...
This summer we did a 2 week road trip: camping, staying in a yurt, using Otenttik and staying with friends. But everything about our trip from Maine, NB, NS, PEI, and Gaspe Bay, QC involved getting out there. With lots of swimming, hiking, and beach...
Our first night on our summer vacation was spent on Flying Moose Mountain. We rented a yurt which was located at the top of the mountain. We arrived at about 7:30 pm and met the owner who planned to hike to the top with us....
The planning begins for next years trip into Temagami thanks to Jeff's maps :) #RewardsAreOutThere...
Perhaps its time to get this old girl some TLC...
New Pillow! ...
Traversing Promo looking for pics for this years add had a pic from us from last year! ...