Our first night on OSA Lake. Love this place! ...
Having the kids out there adds a whole new dimension to canoe tripping. Such as moments like this, when you wire them up with smores and they entertain you with their moves. ...
Typically there isn't a whole lot of interest in the hammock from these munchkins, until of course, I get in for a siesta. lol...
The ONLY I'm this cheerful or up early is when I'm out there. I solo paddled part of the Rideau Canal this summer. Despite the wind, it was an awesome experience....
These solo stoves take some getting used to...
Ok, so it's not the bow. But I'm never in the bow. Of all the easy points we could have got with this submission, I'm ok if we don't get any. I am still however, very proud of my Badger paddle and that I had...
A willing helper to get the necessary last pic on a beautiful crisp day...