I am so glad I woke up early that day. #RewardsAreOutThere...
I forgot I had those band aids. They were supposed to be a joke on somebody else. They look like normal band-aids in their package, I swear!...
It's tough to get photos of yourself when you're travelling solo so often. It hurts too, when considering balancing the canoe, holding the PITPC flag and the camera at the same time. ...
Had to place the PITPC flag on the paddle and carefully put it up there like putting a pie in a pizza oven. Thankfully there was no wind at the time. ...
I hate getting sap on my hands, worse, is that it always comes as a surprise after grabbing something you didn't expect to be sticky. Soap never seems to work. I trick I learned sounds like it comes from a 5 year old: Rub dirt...
If you look closely you can see the hospital up on the hill, less than 1km to downtown Elliot Lake!...
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star may have been played on this state of the art guitar...
Being a Northerner is being able to walk out your front door to this....
Now I don't have to carry all of Hudson's stuff on portages!...
Thanks See Sawyer Run!...
#RewardsAreOutThere Camp coffee after one of Jerry's songs...
#RewardsAreOutThere Great little stove when you don't want to carry fuel...
Building racks to take more boats out on our next trip...
#RewardsAreOutThere Love to pick up some fish and chips after a trip...
#RewardsAreOutThere Guarding us from a water led attack from the loons...
#RewardsAreOutThere Heading back to our campsite from an afternoon swimming at Topaz lake. We paddled around Baie Fin and looked at all the yachts ...