Castaway at The Massassasauga
Our very own beach site at The Massassauga. PS - The PITPC flag is there, too!...
Our very own beach site at The Massassauga. PS - The PITPC flag is there, too!...
What better way to show how awesome these maps are than to buy all four!! Seriously amazing maps!!!...
Cosy diggs....
For Emma's 10th birthday, we took her and her besties to our fave Conservation Area for a day of getting out there. Exploring, tree climbing, geocaching, hiking, swimming, fishing and a little bit of caving. Most of the girls had never been to this Conservation...
We're first generation outsiders, coming from families who weren't really into outdoor recreation. But our love of getting outside is being passed to our daughter - the next generation of what we hope will be a long line of many more Labuz's who love to...
Lunch is a simple affair when we're camping. Camper's sausage from our local farmers' market and bannock baked fresh over the fire. (The bannock was made with Kevin Callan's recipe!)...
This one time...
... Okay, maybe it wasn't an attack, exactly. Maybe it was from bumping up against a rock when a bear attack was pending. Either way, it was a pretty dicey situation. The bear was definitely going to attack. It got real low, almost like it...
Who else but Nancy? ...
I left around 10 PITPC decals just behind that sign. When I came back they were all gone. ...
Nancy and I went to grab some supplies at Algonquin Outfitters, where Nancy is welcome to join me inside. Thank goodness, too, because it was way too hot to be waiting outside by herself (and absolutely not in the car). Turns out they have a...
Probably the two of my best gear purchases: the gravity filter and the filtered water bottle. No excuse not to keep hydrated at camp or on the trail. And it was H. O. T. hot that weekend. ...
Stopped by the Complete Paddler in Toronto to check out the end of season sale. ...
We haven't been camping in awhile and the boys are dying to get back Out There! Tonight we watched some Happy Camper Videos - note the #rewardsareoutthere mini paddle on the laptop!...
This is on our OHCRA camping / paddling trip on the Upper Cuyahoga River. Coleen had the task of keeping the trip details....
Wil plays his Pogo Cello while his grandson holds the yellow sign....
Sebastian on air guitar Coleen on foot tapping and keeper of the yellow sign...
Len and I bringing his canoe out of Hinckley Lake ...
Coleen and I are ready for a nice paddle on the Au Train river in Michigan. First we stop at the outfitters to get a ride to the take out with a vehicle and have to get the owner out of bed (it is...
You should see the seat of my pants! We had to sit on muddy bank and slip down into canoe after a portage around a downed tree....
Taken from the bridge over the river - look closely there is a "Rewards are out there" sign in the pic. ...
I mixed up the pics with My neighborhood and my neighbors - but have them both...
They will pose for me even on a very rainy weekend...
Steve wishing someone would get started with the bacon and eggs. ...
I am tucked in and ready to fall asleep to the sound of rain on the tent ...
Our group site at Punderson State Park...
Our OHCRA group at Punderson State Park for a weekend trip...
A fashion statement - love the socks and they accent the beautiful homemade moccasins...
We had some very good bass on a trip to Temagami. donated to our group by a couple very nice fishermen. We filleted it and breaded it with pancake mix - was excellent....
Just add canoe and I am ready to go...
French Press,Ground Fresh, Percolate, Gourmet, Special Blend ...
I am obsessed with the stories of the early explorers who mapped the barrenlands between NWT and NU. I really hope to paddle the Thelon River one day....
Part of the Gibson McDonald canoe route which we did this year, portages were rugged. I took this picture from the mid point of a bridge . My daughter and our red canoe down below....