At our campsite on Bay Lake...
Pigeon Lake - close to home...
Our canoe bow was repaired with my husband's old hockey sticks … actually, so was the stern and my seat … pretty soon it's going to be more hockey stick than canoe … truly Canadian!...
… cold water on the feet feels lovely!...
Holy Cross Ramblers paddling safely ...
This one I had to do alone on the second carry with the canoe. Not the biggest portage I have done but definitely a good distance. My wife and son helped me with the gear during the first carry but it was all me going...
With the Summer slowly winding down, I have to say that our site on Cox Lake in the Kawartha Highlands was the most picturesque so far this year. We had 180 degree view of the lake and a nice landing for our canoe which offered...
My five year old son got a pair of Vibram 5 Fingers this Summer and this is the result of breaking them in. Sweet paddling shoe but nasty blister. #RewardsAreOutThere...
It kept the bugs down lol...
Rocks? no no there were no rocks...
Yep, he just paddled away and left me there....
nothing like a pic of your canoe...
This year turned out well! #RewardsAreOutThere...
Stuck at home editing videos from last month! #RewardsAreOutThere...
In the tent! #RewardsAreOutThere...
no cliff jumping allowed! #RewardsAreOutThere...
My niece listens as I teach her some tips to canoeing, this was her first year in a canoe, she's not that much of an outdoors girl....
After I read the Northerner online magazine, I seen the walking on water pic and thought it was an amazing picture, so naturally I had to try to copy it. Problem is mine isn't as good as theirs. ...
Any camping we do, you can guarantee my wife will be between the covers of book. I like to read also, but being the one with the camera most of the time, it is a little hard to capture myself. I tend to read at...
My Wife, son Hiker and I attended the Reel Paddling Film Festival at The Canadian Canoe Museum. The paddling event was hosted by none other than Kevin Callan. We had tickets 15,16 and 17 for the event and won the door prize with ticket 17...
Most of my trips involve my family being my neighbours. Sometimes on car camping trips my son will go into his own tent with friends but on backcountry trips that we go on together, it is the three of us. Couldn't ask for better neighbours...
This is taken from the Lookout trail in Algonquin Provincial Park. I have been to this spot a couple times in the Winter on snowy days and a couple times in the Summer on rainy ones. I have never seen the treeline on a clear...
and of course a Pam...
I've managed to fit all my gear into this little mesh shelf unit thing! #RewardsAreOutThere...
Poker Lakes are great! ...
This area and a larger area outside of town is a hot spot for people to learn how to canoe and kayak, only in early spring can you take the river all the way to Lake Huron....