26 Oct PITPC 2016 End Notes: Winners To Be Announced Sunday October 30th
PITPC 2016 End Notes:
As many of you know, for the past 4 years the Paddle in the Park Contest (also affectionately referred to as the PITPC) has been run by a small group of outdoor enthusiasts and has had a pretty big impact on getting people to spend more time in our Parks and wilderness areas.
As part of this unique outdoor advocacy campaign, we’ve listed 9 major (scientifically proven) reasons why we should be spending time in nature, and added one of our own as well; some great prize packages, including a Nova Craft canoe, Badger paddles and other great gear. This is what we call the “plus one” in the 9(+1) Rewards to spending time in nature with the (+1) Rewards being the prizes – a small possible bonus for getting “Out There”.
All in all, we are giving away over $7000 (CAD) worth of gear and prizes in exchange for your outdoor photos; we even hid 4 Badger canoe paddles in various wilderness areas of Ontario to get more people out on the portage trails this summer. Paddles were found and claimed in Bon Echo PP, French River PP, Noganash PP and Algonquin PP. And while the paddle-finding portion of the contest ended, with all paddles being found and claimed successfully, it is interesting to note this year’s paddle-finding portion of the PITPC was dominated by women with three of the four hidden paddles being claimed by female paddle-seekers. We even crowned one of the winning ladies as the 2016 AO Portage Queen! We also have a special PITPC video that will soon be released, titled “Behind the Scenes Tent Screens“; more on that later though.
Because presently, with the paddle-seeking portion done and over with, all the excitement and focus is on the family friendly Paddle Points event where we will be giving away a brand new Prospector from Nova Craft Canoe. All it takes is any one “Task” photo to win the canoe, however the more photos submitted, the more points collected; earning badges, bragging rights, more chances to win even more cool outdoor prizes – and of course collect all those rewards for being in nature.
We have already given the well deserved title of “Wilderness Guide – Task Master/First-to-Finish” to the industrious Toby Clipperton, with the remaining Paddle Points Prize Pack winners to be declared this week.
Paddle Points Winners To Be Announced Sunday October 30th (2016)!
Consequently, as you are probably aware, the October 25th (2016) deadline for the Paddle Points submissions came and went last night, and while you are no longer able to submit or resubmit any photos, you will have until midnight of October 29th (2016) to check over your Paddle Points and resolve any discrepancies. We will officially select (as per the contest rules) and announce the winners on October 30th (Sunday).
Thus be sure to double-check your Paddle Points and your bonus points too, and contact us before the end of Saturday (October 29, 2016) if you have any questions or dissimilarities to bring to our attention. You can email us (info@dev.paddleintheparkcontest.ca) or use private messaging via the PITPC Facebook or Twitter social media platforms.
Otherwise, and in the meantime, a hearty paddles up and a big thanks to all the adventurous 2016 PITPC Paddle-seekers, Paddle-finders, Wilderness Guides, Voyageurs, Pathfinders, Explorers, and the Tenderfoots too, for showing us and the rest of the world that the rewards are truly “Out There”. Oh, and good luck to you this Sunday as well!
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