12 Sep Nova Craft Canoe/LPS Paddle Found & Claimed by Bill Spitzig
Once again we can say paddles up and a big congratulations to Bill Spitzig for finding and claiming the Nova Craft/London’s Paddle Shop paddle! We’ll let Bill tell you his story, but continue reading below about the fun coincidence how Kevin Callan‘s books lead both to this paddle’s hiding spot AND how it got found:
I found the Nova Craft Canoe, Badger paddle Friday Sept 1st tethered to a tree, near the thunder box, on Baltic Island in the middle of Pine Lake in Mattawa Provincial Park while paddling the Historic Mattawa River Waterway with 9 other fellow club members of the Waterloo/Wellington Canoe and Kayak Club. We were using the Kevin Callan Paddlers Guide on the Mattawa River to assist us on the 3 day paddle. This campsite was recommended by him in the guide.
I have been paddling, camping and tripping in numerous parks for years. It was a total surprise to learn about your wonderful program by finding the paddle, going on the web site, and seeing all the pictures of people who have over the years got out in the parks, taken the pictures, and submitted them for everyone to enjoy. Wonderful program and thanks to the sponsors for their support of the program.
Everyone thought it is a great program to encourage people to “Get Out There”. The web site is great as well. I have to get using my camera more and submit the photos for the contest. I will very much enjoy the paddle and look forward to my next trip. Very nice that I have an engraved paddle to go with my Nova Craft canoe.
submitted by Bill Spitzig (via email)
Thanks Bill, and again, congrats on your paddle find! With that new ash Badger Tail, it’s bound to be as special a story for you as it was to us. You see we picked this site because this is the year of anniversaries: The PITPC’s 5th year, Canada’s 150th, Tom Thomson’s 100th since he lost his paddle – to name a few. So Preston decided he’d revisit this special site, the very first canoeing trip that he and Nancy had ever taken.

The Nova Craft Canoe / London’s Paddle Shop Paddle hidden on the Mattawa River
But it doesn’t end there. Why did they choose this campsite? Well a friend had given Preston one of Kevin Callan’s books – “A Paddler’s Guide to the Rivers of Ontario and Quebec” – (probably) the same book that inspired Bill to paddle the Mattawa River to find a paddle (and keep a paddle).
So when Preston needed to check up on the paddle, he decided that since there was some cell phone reception, why not have a little camp out and invite everyone to hang out by the fire, and chat about why this site was so special to him.
Watch as the PITPC invites you to camp on the spot where the Nova Craft/London’s Paddle shop paddle was hidden.

The book that started it all.
And of course because Preston has his own … let’s call it “special sense of humour”, he had to hide this paddle in a “special” place – by the privy. But there was some method to his madness, or so he claims. Since the island was pretty small, and pretty accessible, he figured that if he hid it by the privy, it would most likely be found by someone staying at least one night in the woods. 🙂

Seriously hilarious, Preston. #Sarcasm
Of course, that’s what he says.
Congrats again to Bill and thanks to everyone who joined our campfire chat – especially those that lasted all 45 minutes! There’s one more paddle out there, keep coming back and following us on Twitter and Facebook for all the latest clues and more live videos! [Preston Edit:] Who knows, maybe you’ll be rewarded for going Out There two! [Too much?]
See everything that Bill has won below:
Happy Camper | Kevin Callan Book | $ 20.00 |
Badger | Hidden Badger Paddle | $ 239.00 |
Rapid Media | 1 YR PADDLING Magazine Print/Digital Subscription | $ 20.00 |
KO | Eureka Airrest Trek Lite Mat | $ 89.90 |
Portageur.ca | GSI JAVA PRESS 30 OZ | $ 29.95 |
Portageur.ca | GSI JAVAMILL | $ 29.95 |
Portageur.ca | Portageur.ca Decal | $8.00 |
Portageur.ca | Portageur.ca T-shirt | $ 30.00 |
Posted at 01:48h, 12 SeptemberHee hee!