Found and Claimed 2017

It's always a bit bittersweet when the last paddle is found and claimed, but found and claimed it was! So paddles up and a special congratulations to Jeffrey Beer! Jeffrey deciphered the clues and solved the perplexing mystery of the AO Tom Thomson paddle of...

A big paddles up and congratulations to Jennifer Siren for finding and claiming one of the more difficult hidden paddles to find; the (with The Canadian Outdoor Equipment) Paddle on the French River! Jennifer is not new to the PITPC or paddle-seeking as it turns...

Once again we can say paddles up and a big congratulations to Bill Spitzig for finding and claiming the Nova Craft/London's Paddle Shop paddle! We'll let Bill tell you his story, but continue reading below about the fun coincidence how Kevin Callan's books lead both to...

Paddles up and a big congratulations to Ashley (and Matt and ???) Tamlin for finding and claiming the Happy Camper/Canadian Canoe Museum paddle! Technically the official claim goes to Ashley but seeing she had a couple of pretty important people along with her, we thought...

A special paddles up and congrats to Cory Seaman! Why a special congrats and paddles up to the official finder of the KO A.Y. Jackson paddle? Because there is quite a a bit of history here between Cory and the PITPC and, well...

All hail Verna-Dawn Higgins, the AO PORTAGE QUEEN of 2017! Turns out the recently crowned Verna-Dawn is new this year to the PITPC and a bit social media shy (totally understandable, Verna-Dawn!) but was very excited about her regal find on the small trail leading to...

We have put off telling this story long enough. Why were we putting off telling this story? Because we were waiting for Kevin Callan to go on a canoe trip so he wouldn't see it. Yes, it's true. The following paddle-finding tale will probably disturb...