02 Nov PITPC (+1) Reward Winners & Trip Diary Announcement
What an amazingly rewarding season it has been for everyone who got “Out There”. We really can’t express how deeply inspired we have been by each and every one of you. With the top #PaddlePoints earners having submitted over 100 photos each, there is no doubt that a lot of hard work and dedication went into collecting all the points needed for a chance at the tangible (+1) Rewards up for grabs.
But just before we get to the list of (+1) PITPC Reward Winners, we wanted to touch on how nature truly rewards us in the most surprising ways… ways we could never have imagined. So as one last surprise, and in gratitude for all your shared wilderness adventures and the advocacy you took part in by flying your PITPC Flag loud and proud this summer, we are announcing a NEW Paddle In The Park Contest Trip Diary project with a chance at more (+1) Rewards and prizes (just for all of you who took part in this year’s PITPC). Because with the PITPC, just like in nature, the rewards just keep on coming! But more about all that later…. seeing that, right now, we have all been waiting for the following news… who won the Nova Craft Canoe and the other gear and prizes too?!
So without further ado, we bring you the list of PITPC Paddle Points (+1) Reward Winners for 2015:
Wilderness Guide – Top of Class – Grand Prize CANOE Winner
Dave Lanovaz – “Kindred Wanderings”
The Wilderness Guide – Prize Pack Winner
Ray McCullough – “RayMccullough”
The Wilderness Guide II – Prize Pack Winner
Connie Hergott – “toadyandtadpole”
The Voyageur – Prize Pack Winner
Julia Wolst-Bellegham – JuliaB
The Pathfinder – Prize Pack Winner
Chris Johnston – “Cjohnston”
The Explorer – Prize Pack Winner
Nicole Dubovski – “paddlemomma”
The Tenderfoot – Prize Pack Winner
Emily Wolst – “emily”
So a hearty congratualtions to all the (+1) Reward winners! Check your email – including your spam/junk folders – as we’ll be contacting you soon.
We want to extend a special paddles up to all who took part in the PITPC this season. Time and time again, you messaged us to confirm that indeed, the rewards truly are “Out There”. But don’t forget, it’s not over yet. With our PITPC Trip Diary event, we still have some awesome PITPC gear and prizes to giveaway over the coming weeks… including an MSR HYPERFLOW MICROFILTER, a NeoAir Camper THERM-A-REST, a Chinook Chemun Portage Pack and much, much MORE… all thanks to our generous sponsors!
And so with that, we have reached the (somewhat) official end to the PITPC for 2015. The paddles were found, the points were collected, and we were all rewarded for our efforts. We hope you all enjoyed spending time in nature this season and expect that you will keep getting “Out There” as much as you can, each and everyday!
Don’t forget to watch this site and our social media for more info about the upcoming PITPC Trip Diary event with more chances to win for this year’s PITPC participants. Otherwise, maybe we will see you “Out There”!
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