18 Mar Paddle in The Park Contest 2019 Announcement
AND WE'RE BACK!!!Live announcement from the Outdoor Adventure Show – Toronto
Posted by Paddle In The Park Contest on Friday, February 22, 2019
Yes, it is true… After a one-year hiatus, the Paddle in The Park Contest is back for it’s sixth season! As the spring thaw approaches, we can already sense the excitement you all have at the thought of getting “Out There” on the water and into the woods again by canoe, probably because we feel the exact same way.
Our tagline for this year is new:
You’ll aways find rewards in nature. Every so often, rewards find you.
In addition, this comeback season is a special one. While we always champion all the benefits to spending time in nature, this year we are also celebrating the Paddle In The Park Contest co-founder’s anniversaries, Badger® Paddles and Portageur.ca, who are both marking a full decade of wilderness adventures and out-door advocacy. So there will be ten of those famously elusive Badger canoe paddles – plus, of course, more great tripping gear and prizes.
However, that is all we are going to reveal for now. 😉 Because just like any wilderness travel adventure, this season’s Paddle In The Park Contest will be full of the unknown and unexpected as there will be a bit of a change from our usual format.
Except for one last thing – a little clue, one might even say, for this year’s contest. While we will most definitely continue to use our trademark hashtag #RewardsAreOutThere at all times, we are adding two more brand new official hashtags to help represent this year’s theme: #PathOfThePortageur and #PaddleToHeal
Watch this website and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, as we begin to reveal a bit more and more as we get closer to the summer and the start of the 2019 Paddle In The Park Contest. Until then, see you “Out There”!
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