Trip Diary Reward Winners and MORE at OAS Toronto!

Trip Diary Reward Winners and MORE at OAS Toronto!

Yes, it’s true. Fiona (Badger Paddles and co-founder of the PITPC) has been hibernating a little bit this winter. Well, not exactly hibernating, as she has been taking care of her little cub (her son, Makobe). But the months have stretched on and it now time for the Trip Diary Reward Winners to be announced!

Accordingly, Fiona is back for a bit to help Preston, Nancy, Digger and the rest of the PITPC team, pack up a big box of prize bags for 9(+1) lucky 2015 Paddle Points Enthusiasts as part of our Trip Diary Event at OAS. Yes! That’s right. A big box full of prizes!

Attention: Paddle Points participants and PITPC Newbies.Find this named portageur at OAS - Toronto 2016 for a real fun and rewarding experience!

Attention: Paddle Points participants and PITPC Newbies.Find this named portageur at OAS – Toronto 2016 for a real fun and rewarding experience!

That means 10 (ten) lucky Trip Diary Reward Winners have been randomly chosen from all of the 2015 Paddle Points Seekers –  in honour of our insightful list of  9 (+1) Rewards & Reasons To Spend Time In Nature. (Seriously, it is an important list, so be sure to review the 9(+1) Rewards if you have not had the chance to already!)

Preston will be announcing all the Trip Diary Award Winners at the 2016 Outdoor Adventure Show in Toronto this coming weekend (Feb 19, 20, 21st). Plus more!

So, if you took part in the Paddle Points event this past season and are a PITPC registered Wilderness Guide, Voyageur, Pathfinder, or Explorer, be sure to catch the presentations of all of our Paddle-Hiders Hap Wilson, Kevin Callan, and Preston Ciere, to ensure a really rewarding experience at the show.


IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Preston will be announcing the official PITPC Trip Diary Reward Winners during his presentation on Saturday, February 20th at 3 PM at the Adventures In Paddling Stage. So watch for your photo and listen for Preston to call your PITPC username, because THERE COULD BE A PRIZE PACK THERE FOR YOU!!!


See Hap Wilson, Kevin Callan, and Preston Ciere at OAS-Toronto 2016!

See Hap Wilson, Kevin Callan, and Preston Ciere at OAS-Toronto 2016! (And Nancy the Canoe Dog  too!)

Presentation times are as follows:


  • 4:00 PM KEVIN CALLAN presenting: Introducing Ontario Parks’ “Northwest Wilderness Quest” (Kevin Callan for Ontario Parks)


  • 12:30 PM PRESTON CIERE & NANCY at the WHITE WATER DEMO POOL: How To Canoe With Your Canine (Preston and Nancy Ciere for
  • 2:15 PM KEVIN CALLAN at THE ONTARIO OUTDOOR ADVENTURES THEATRE  presenting: Canoe Tripping On Georgian Bay (Kevin Callan, Author of ‘The Happy Camper’)
  • 3:00 PM PRESTON CIERE at the ADVENTURES IN PADDLING STAGE presenting: The Outdoor Playground that Awaits You for Canoe Camping in Algonquin Provincial Park (Preston Ciere for *Trip Diary Reward Winners Announcement*


  • 12:30 PM PRESTON CIERE & NANCY at the WHITE WATER DEMO POOL: How To Canoe With Your Canine (Preston and Nancy Ciere for
  • 2:15 PM HAP WILSON THE ONTARIO OUTDOOR ADVENTURES THEATRE presenting: Temagami Revisited (Hap Wilson, Author, Artist, Explorer)


If you happen to miss Preston’s big address at the ADVENTURES IN PADDLING STAGE, then be on the look for him at the end of Hap or Kevin’s individual presentations so you can check in and see if there are any (+1) Trip Diary Rewards waiting for you. Plus, don’t forget, you will be able to catch Preston and his portaging pooch, Nancy, during his pool demos as well (Saturday and Sunday). And if you can’t make it to the Toronto Outdoor Adventure Show this weekend, don’t worry, because all officially named Trip Diary Reward Winners will be contacted by email if needed.

So come and celebrate Nature with the PITPC at the OAS because, as you know, the #RewardsAreOutThere!!!

PITPC Sponsors 2015

Thanks again to our amazing sponsors for their generous prize donations for the PITPC – we wouldn’t be doing this without them! If you like the PITPC, be sure to let our giving sponsors know! Algonquin Outfitters, Cabin Falls EcoLodge (Hap & Andrea Wilson), and Badger Paddles will all be at the show. Visit them at their respective booths or find them on Facebook, and tell them your PITPC paddle (and points) seeking stories!

A special note to 2015 PITPC Wilderness Guides: T-shirts are on order and will be arriving in the next few weeks. (Fiona had meant to get to this sooner but her sudden semi-hibernation delayed the plan. Sorry all!).

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