2015 CLUES

Happy Camper Paddle 2015 CLUE #2 When you search, scout, and seek, but to no avail, Then it's probably best to take the alternate trail. ...

Killarney Outfitters Paddle 2015 CLUE #2  When on your Killarney journey today, You'll find more rewards, if you take the long way. ...

  Nova Craft Canoe Paddle 2015 CLUE There's a Badger waiting for you to take, Somewhere near the oldest's 9th lake. ...

Cabin Falls EcoLodge Paddle 2015 CLUE About half the distance to a place that’s never wet, And amongst the rocky terrain, a Badger’s been set.  [break ] ...

Algonquin Outfitters Paddle 2015 CLUE #2 Of waters, with many, she will acquaint, Eventually meeting with the great Saint....

Portageur.ca Paddle 2015 CLUE #2 On the way to a lake before the one where the 'n' was missed, Look for the burl, then the dead trunk; it'll be straight with no twist....

Algonquin Outfitters Paddle 2015 CLUE It's on a small ridge top, behind the biggest spruce. But its lake of origin, you'll have to deduce....

Portageur.ca Paddle 2015 CLUE If you get this right, then you know their mistake, And why it may be his new favourite lake....

For those of you who missed it when Fiona read the first clue of the season on Hunters Bay Radio, or just want to know more about our fabulous contest co-founder, you can listen below. For those who just want to go direct the clue,...